
I love the natural world.   I'm kind of crazy about it.  Take a walk with me and you will hear me chiming in, interrupting conversation to point out a certain shade of flower, a blackened dried seed pod, an insanely beautiful sunset, all the different greys in Portland skies.

The ideas for my paintings begin on these walks:  I bring these glimpses and memories back to my workspace and see how my paints will capture it.  And often, see how far I can push it into something else entirely.  I want to give a sense of the subject but not a definition of it.  I often let the paint guide me.

While beginning to work in acrylic, I continue also to dive into watercolor.  It's been ideal for conveying the sensations - both of color and form - of the landscapes I paint:  Loose, flowing, vivid, messy, layered.